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Bristol Legal Walk: Jordan Publishing joins the charity march

Date:16 SEP 2016
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Jordan Publishing is pleased to announce that we will be taking part in this year's Bristol Legal Walk.

The Walk is a 9 km sponsored walk around Bristol to raise money for local advice services via the South West Legal Support Trust. The need for free legal advice centres has grown in the past few years. The recession has increased poverty and reduced support services. Meanwhile funding for the advice centres themselves has reduced.

We know from our own experience how valuable the work of legal advice charities is for disadvantaged people. Advice agencies do a fantastic job in preventing homelessness, resolving debt problems, gaining care for the elderly and disabled and fighting exploitation.
We also know how short they are of the funds to continue that work. And the money we raise will help keep the agencies operating thus ensuring their services are as effective as possible.

Help us help them by giving whatever you can and spread the word by sharing our page as widely as possible.
Please sponsor our walkers as generously as you are able.
Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!
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