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Brexit and divorce – what next for families?

Date:21 JUN 2017
Third slide
Lisa Girdwood
Brodies LLP

The triggering of Article 50 of the Treaty of European Union on 29 March 2017 began the process of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, and this week the negotiations commence.

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Because we have a comprehensive system of national law which governs divorce and child-related matters, it may be imagined that family law is unlikely to be affected by Brexit but certain aspects of procedural family law are very important for couples and these will be affected by Brexit including:

  • which country should hear an application for divorce or an application in relation to children?
  • how are Scottish judgments to be recognised and enforced in other European countries?
  • how are European judgments to be recognised and enforced in Scotland?
  • child abduction within Europe
  • maintenance.
All of these matters are governed by European regulations which have provided certainty and security for separating couples for many years.

Read the full article here.