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Book review – Jack by Helen Victoria Bishop, illustrated by Simon Murray
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'Jack provides parents grandparents and professionals working with children with a wonderful opportunity to discuss with their young children the delicate and sensitive subject of family break-up'
Jack is a picture story book aimed at 4–11 year olds whose parents have separated or are separating. Jack is a little boy who is confused and upset about his parents’ separation; he thinks he may be to blame for the separation and feels alone and wonders if his parents still love him. Black Cat is a magical talking cat who chats with Jack and offers explanations and reassurances to Jack and encourages him to speak to Mum or Dad when he feels sad or confused. 'The key to life is that you are loved ' says Black Cat – a simple but profound statement. With his wise and calm approach and words Black Cat gives Jack the confidence and support he needs at this very difficult time.
Charming sensitively written and reassuring this...
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