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AlphaBiolabs is giving back again…win £500 for your chosen charity

Date:15 JAN 2024
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Over the last few years, leading UK DNA, drug & alcohol testing provider AlphaBiolabs has donated to a number of charities working with some of the UK’s most vulnerable children and families.

Through their highly regarded Giving Back campaigns, they have helped to change many lives for the better.

However, for their latest Giving Back campaign which launched this month, they will be donating to charities that are close to your heart!

For every testing instruction received from family law and social work professionals throughout 2024, AlphaBiolabs will enter the name of the Instructing Party into a charity donation draw.

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Every 2 months, they will donate £500 to the winner’s nominated charity.

The more times you are entered into each draw, the higher your chance of winning £500 for your chosen charity.

The only stipulation is that the nominated cause must be a UK registered charity. It could be a charity that has personally supported you, your family, or friends. It could be your organisation’s nominated charity, or simply a charity that is close to your heart for other reasons.

For more information about the campaign or to request a testing quotation visit their website or call the Legal New Enquiry team on 0333 600 1300.

Just another reason to choose AlphaBiolabs for all your DNA, Drug & Alcohol testing needs!