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a kidspace: "There is a conspiracy of silence against the painful effects of divorce"

Date:8 MAR 2012

a kidspaceSo says leading child and adolescent psychiatrist Sebastian Kraemer. Sadly his opinion is borne out by facts.

The office for National Statistics tells us that over 28 per cent of children in the UK will be coping with the dramatic effects of their parent's separation and the NSPCC revealed the appalling statistic that only 10% of children will find someone to talk to when their family is breaking apart.

Moreover a study of 21 countries conducted by Unicef found the UK was at the bottom of the table in terms of child wellbeing and happiness. This needs to change

When setting up a kidspace we discovered very little support was available for children going through family breakdown. With the divorce rate rising and according to Relate couples aged between 40 and 45 being at most risk of breaking up it is likely that family breakdown will be experienced by more and more children. This confirms our belief that all children need access to support during such a traumatic and life changing event.


Read the full article here.