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A day in the life of ... Leigh Royall (Senior Clerk)
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Leigh Royall 37 Park Square Chambers
What is your position and what do you do on a day-to-day basis?
I am the Senior Clerk at 37 Park Square Chambers Leeds. Key responsibilities include the day-to-day management administration and visibility of chambers. We have one of the largest teams of family barristers on the North-Eastern circuit and are often the chambers of choice for Public Law matters throughout the Humberside region.
How long have you been in this role and what brought you here?
I have been a barristers' clerk for the past 20 years; the last 5 of which have been as Senior Clerk with No. 37. I got into clerking by accident: I was working for a firm of solicitors while studying for a law degree and had applied for a mini-pupillage and ended up being offered a clerk's job. 12 months later the chambers that I was working at in Stoke-on-Trent made me their Senior Clerk at the age of 21! Since then I've never looked back.
What are the people you work with/for like? Any memorable stories?
A large part of the charm of working in chambers is the differing eclectic mix of individuals that you...
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