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A Cinderella law: can we go from 'Once Upon a Time…' to 'Happily Ever After'?

Date:5 JUN 2014

The charity Action for Children has been campaigning for the introduction of a ‘Cinderella law’– that is making it illegal and punishable through the criminal law for parents to emotionally abuse their child. The campaign has been heard and and following the Queen’s Speech delivered on 4 June 2014 it is set to become a reality. Commenting on the proposals Sir Tony Hawkhead chief executive of Action for Children said in a press release:

'Today marks a monumental and overdue step forward for children and our efforts to protect them from severe emotional abuse. Children who are made to feel worthless powerless and unloved by their families will now have the law on their side.

We are one of the last countries in the western world to recognise this form of child cruelty – the time for change is long overdue. Emotional abuse can create permanent scars leading to mental health problems and in extreme cases...

Read the full article here.