Susan Jacklin QC of 1 Garden Court chambers has been elected as Chair of the Family Law Bar Association (FLBA) following their annual elections to the National Committee and Officers positions.
The appointment will bring Nicholas Cusworth QC's two-year term as Chair to an end when Ms Jacklin takes up her position on the 14 January 2014. Mr Cusworth is the Head of Chambers at 1 Hare Court and sits as a Deputy High Court Judge in the Family Division, and as a Family Recorder.
Ms Jacklin moved to 1 Garden Court from St John's Chambers earlier this year. She was called to the Bar at Inner Temple in 1980 and has 25 years' experience as a family lawyer. She specialises in dealing with disputes involving children and complex high net ancillary relief claims but her areas of practice have ranged from cases involving serious allegations of sexual assault to complex financial issues.
Philip Marshall QC of 1 King's Bench Walk (1KBW) has been elected Vice Chair (formerly secretary), Ian Bugg of 1 Garden Court has been elected Secretary, and James Roberts also of 1KBW remains Treasurer.