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Penny Booth: Similarities and Differences

Date:21 DEC 2011

Penny BoothI ponder as the sun goes down with the light shining through the gap between two Air France 747s and a large glass covered gantry intermittently filled with silhouettes of travellers travel facilitators and airport workers. It is late afternoon at Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and I am sitting at Gate 26 with hours to go before the 20.30 flight to Newcastle upon Tyne. Slumped filled with thought and returning from Belgrade (with luggage I hope) I have spent a week away from home attending the five days of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law held 1700 metres up the highest mountain in Serbia. It remains an adventure and difficult to summarise the days of the conference entitled ‘Law and Responsibility' and the chances exchanged and captured in talking with other family lawyers of various varieties. To go shopping would seem like disturbing the threads of ideas and trains of thought going through my mind right now. Besides which there is a ‘strike of...

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