Well after the great excitement of the Royal Wedding comes the pondering... will they won't they? Did they? Should they? Prenups of course. Perhaps no-one has been brave enough to explore the possibility of the ‘Royal Prenup' - or maybe the Duke of Cambridge got put off prenups after his mother's divorce settlement. Pity - if they are good enough for royalty we might have seen an upsurge of interest in prenuptial agreements with (my hope in particular) people who are intending to marry actually thinking about the possibilities of the implications of legal handcuffs before they get legally tied together. Thinking through the lovey-dovey haze would help many in the future. Cynics unite.
I heard this morning (on Radio 4 so it must be reliable) that being married for a long time (no specific time recommended but a long long time possibly decades was in mind) gives the psychological benefit of an annual salary of 65 000 pounds. Wow!!! I wonder if...
Read the full article here.