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FPR 2010 and the Law Relating to Children

Date:1 JUN 2011

Noel Arnold

Partner at Philcox Gray and Co London Member of the Law Society's Children Law Sub-committee and the Association of Lawyers for Children's Executive Committee

At the time of writing it is April 2011 and the much anticipated Family Procedure Rules 2010 (FPR) is in force. Family lawyers across the country at some point or another will be/have been struck with a moment of panic. By the time this article is published burying one's head in the sand will not be an option. Much has been written in Family Law about the FPR and no doubt there will be a good deal more to follow as the FPR beds down into our daily practices. For a general read about the FPR its main functions and headlines it is well worth consulting D Adams ‘The Family Procedure Rules 2010: A District Judge's Perspective' March [2011] Fam Law 244. This article however aims to focus in on how the FPR affects the law relating to children. It does not rehearse the contents of the rules but aims to flag up relevant parts...

Read the full article here.