The sorry saga leading to the failure to prevent Peter Connelly's dreadful death in August 2007 is now depressingly familiar. It is recounted in detail in the two Serious Case Review (SCR) overview reports released by the government on 26 October 2010 in line with its policy requiring publication of full SCR reports. The first SCR (November 2008) was judged inadequate and a second review (under different chairmanship) was ordered. This reported in February 2009 and was judged by Ofsted to be ‘good'. In all the analysis and agonising over what went wrong the focus remains squarely on issues of social work and medical practice compounded by the classic problem of poor inter-agency communication but some significant legal aspects to the case appear to be largely overlooked.
To read the rest of this article, see January [2011] Family Law journal.
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