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Kirsty Richards: The UK Care System - Does it conflict with the Government’s drive for a faster Adoption process?

Date:12 APR 2013

Kirsty RichardsSince I wrote my last opinion piece on 5 October 2012 I continue to practice in children law proceedings (both private and public) and have recently read the BBC Article Stripping Council's Adoption Role ‘a reckless gamble'   dated 4 April 2013.

Whilst the BBC article sets out some valid considerations for anyone involved in the Adoption Process post care proceedings; it continues to concern me that the current pressures from our Government to find suitable adopters quickly - conflicts with the care process in some cases. I say that in the context of the need for Parallel planning at the outset of any care proceedings and the pressures the Local Authorities seem to be under from their Service Managers to conclude proceedings swiftly often recommending that parents and families get ruled out as suitable carers without any real period of testing a parent's ability to change and/or parent effectively having engaged with the proceedings.

One of the most difficult aspects of my job at the moment is advising parents at the pre-proceedings stage...

Read the full article here.