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Kirsty Richards: A Life in the UK Care System - Should the process be quicker?

Date:5 OCT 2012

Kirsty RichardsI write this opinion in response to an article on the BBC website on 25 September 2012 Number of Children in Care in England Rises and the Children's Minister Edward Timpson comment that: "The rise in the number of adoptions and adoption placement orders is extremely welcome but it still takes too long for those who want to adopt and foster to be approved. The time it takes for a child in care to be adopted can be a significant period in that child's life."

Whilst I appreciate that children need decisions made as to their long term care arrangements as quickly as possible that has to be balanced with their right to enjoy a family life with their biological family. That means that thorough assessments have to be carried out in respect of parents family and friends before the court is in a position to know whether it is in the child's best interests to be placed outside of the family. The decision to place any child with a stranger should not be made lightly...

Read the full article here.