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David Hodson on International Family Law: Japan fails to adopt Hague child abduction Convention

Date:7 MAY 2012

International Family Law Practice by David Hodson

David Hodson

Mikiko Otani one of Japan's leading family lawyers has today 7 September 2012 confirmed to the IAML annual conference in Singapore that Japan will not be signing the Hague child abduction Convention in the near future at least a year as a minimum.

There had been real hopes that the Japanese parliament the Diet would be adopting it over the next couple of months but Mikiko reported that the Parliament had closed formally effective 8 September as a general election has been called. There is no prospect now of it being adopted until the next Parliamentary year if then. This closure of Parliament was due to party political reasons within Japan and thoroughly unrelated to child abduction issues.

The Japanese cabinet had announced...

Read the full article here.