Dr Anna Redfern
Clinical psychologist Michael Rutter Centre for Children and Young People The Maudsley Hospital
DR Nicoa Cosgrave
Consultant clinical psychologist Michael Rutter Centre for Children and Young People The Maudsley Hospital
Dr Brian Jacobs
Consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist Michael Rutter Centre for Children and Young People The Maudsley Hospital
There is an increasing call for evidence supporting the use of multi-disciplinary team (MDT) assessments in care proceedings. This paper describes one such MDT working in the NHS. We present data about the children and families who are typically seen what assessment is completed (The Maudsley Model of Parenting Assessments) and what the MDT assessment adds to the information already known about the children and families.
The model of assessments highlights the importance of assessing parenting through the lens of the child's particular needs. The model enables the team to develop formulations that are objective thorough and holistic and lead to practical evidence-based recommendations. The paper concludes that the use of a team...
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