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New Inquiry into Looked-after Children

Date:14 JAN 2008

The Children, Schools and Families Committee has agreed to undertake an inquiry into Looked-after Children. Written submissions are invited for the inquiry.

The inquiry will firstly examine the provisions of the Children and Young Persons Bill, to consider the extent to which the Bill reflects the outcome of the consultation process, and to make recommendations for amendment where appropriate; and secondly examine provision for looked-after children more widely in the context of the Care Matters: Time for Change white paper, and to consider the Government's proposals for change on-

  • corporate parenting;
  • family and parenting support;
  • care placements;
  • education;
  • health and wellbeing;
  • transition to adulthood; and
  • the role of the practitioner (including training and workforce development).

Submissions specifically on the Children and Young Persons Bill should arrive no later than noon on Monday 4 February 2008. Submissions on the wider inquiry should arrive no later than noon on Monday 18 February 2008.

More information can be found on the Committee's website:
