Update on the work of the Family Procedure Rule Committee in May and June 2008.
May 2008
The committee did not meet in May. However, its rule harmonisation working party met to consider proposals that the new family procedure rules should contain a part devoted to provisions regarding hearings. The working party concluded that such a part should be included in the new rules.
The working party also examined the effect on the developing family rules of proposed amendments to the civil procedure rules relating to service of documents.
Draft rules relating to statements of truth were also before the working party.
June 2008
The committee met to give further consideration to draft family procedure rules and practice directions relating to matrimonial and civil partnership proceedings, proceedings relating to children, service of documents, statements of truth and written reasons. It also examined draft court forms for use in matrimonial and civil partnership proceedings.
Draft amendments to existing Family Proceedings Rules arising out of the Children and Adoption Act 2006 and the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 were also considered.
The working party established by the committee to work through comments from members on the Master Document rules and practice directions met to review the provisions relating to evidence and experts.
The committee's child abduction working party met to examine draft family procedure rules relating to child abduction proceedings and see how they fitted with draft rules relating to other proceedings involving children. It also gave further consideration to a draft practice direction on Urgent Business.