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State funding for family proceedings: Part 3: Sources of family proceedings funding (£)

Date:17 DEC 2014
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Solicitor Advocate
This article concludes a three-part series on funding of family proceedings in the aftermath of Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012: how can some types of proceedings be funded in the absence of state funding under the old legal aid scheme? What sources of funding for legal representation may there be for those of limited means?

Funding in these circumstances is a hand-to-mouth business. At present it is only possible to give pointers; and some suggested remedies may seem at the edge of what is possible (ie scraping the barrel). Part 3 of the series concludes therefore by touching on costs allowances and the common law; funding ideas derived from the comments of Sir James Munby P in Q v Q (Private Law: Public Funding) [2014] EWFC 31 (such as funding from HMCTS; help from the Attorney-General (by an advocate to the court) and assessors); the solicitors’ lien (Solicitors Act 1974...

Read the full article here.