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Sir Andrew McFarlane delivers speech at Care Crisis Review launch

Date:13 JUN 2018

A speech delivered at the launch of the Care Crisis Review 13 June 2018

I would like to join with others in expressing my appreciation admiration and professional respect for the team at the Family Rights Group led by Cathy Ashley who have undertaken this review under great pressure of time in order to deliver the detailed insightful and very important report that is being launched this evening. Enormous gratitude is due to the Nuffield Foundation for entirely funding this project. Great credit and thanks are also due to Professors Harwin Masson and Broadhurst who together with their respective teams have provided the timely and enlightening research that underpins some of the important insights now recorded in the Care Crisis Review Report.

‘Crisis’ may be an overused word and some outside the court system may have questioned its deployment by Sir James Munby two years ago in relation to the rise in the number of care applications being received by the courts. For my part I consider that Sir James was fully justified in calling this a crisis...

Read the full article here.