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Book review: Applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989

Date:22 NOV 2018
Third slide

Many practitioners in children proceedings will find this new edition invaluable for their courtwork in 2018. There are twelve chapters and five appendices to cover the subject-matter after the decisions in M v V in 2010 and Delaney twenty years earlier in 1990. 

As the late Nicholas Wall says the authors from IGC Family Law are all practising members of the Bar and “have produced a clear and useful book” which will be of help to a wide audience according to Elizabeth Robson Taylor of Richmond Green Chambers and Phillip Taylor MBE Head of Chambers.

For many practitioners (possibly not so familiar with the detail in this area of child proceedings) Schedule 1 applications “provide an important way of ensuring children's financial needs are met where their...

Read the full article here.